Reception of Holy Communion and Eucharistic Fast
Frequency of Holy Communion and Eucharistic Fast
Church Law allows the faithful who have already received Holy Communion to receive it a second time only on the same day at a Mass in which they participate.
When the faithfl have a just cause for asking for Holy Communion outside Mass, it should be
administered to them. The liturgical rites should be followed.
Faithful who wish to receive Holy Communion must abstain from any food or beverages for at least one hour before its reception. Water and medicine may be taken at any time.
The elderly and the sick, as wel as persons caring for them, may receive Holy Communion even though they have not observed the eucharistic fast.
All the faithful who have received First Holy Communion are bound to receive the Holy Eucharist at least once a year. (Before receiving First Holy Communion children should receive the Sacrament of Penance).
Those who are in danger or death from any cause should be strengthened by the reception of the Eucharist as Viaticum. Whenever a person becomes seriously ill, it is the duty of the family to inform the parish priest in good time so that the sick person may receive the Sacraments while fully conscious.
Those who are in danger or death from any cause should be strengthened by the reception of the Eucharist as Viaticum. Whenever a person becomes seriously ill, it is the duty of the family to inform the parish priest in good time so that the sick person may receive the Sacraments while fully conscious.
Regulations for Distribution and Reception of Holy Communion
(Note: For details, see en/holycommunion)
The faithful may freely choose between Common on the tongue or in the hand, between receiving communion standing or kneeling, and between Communion under the species of bread only or under the species of bread and wine.